
Embrace Running 184: Walnut Creek Half

This week, we give our race recap of the Walnut Creek half marathon. Gordy Ainsleigh may not be running Western States in 2016. Lance Armstrong runs a local trail race and wins. Nike Women’s SF race is no more. Get a finisher’s jacket if you run a Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon in 2016. If you haven’t seen Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young, go watch it now. And as always, our weeks in training.






Wish List for Runners

Every year we compile a gift list for runners. This year we wanted to do something a little different and share some items on our running wish list that we know many of you will relate to. You might even have them on your own wish list.

1. Running related book
There are many running related books out there that would be enjoyed by runners, some of which we have talked about on the podcast in the past. But there is a particular book on our wish list. That book is Running Your First Ultra: Customizable Training Plans for Your First 50K to 100-mile Race by Krissy Moehl. We’ve taken a peek at the book and really like that aside from many tips for running ultras, it has customizable training plans for ultras (from 50k-100 mile distances). These training plans are difficult to come by. There are other books available with tips for running ultras but most don’t offer training plans. If you are wondering who Krissy Moehl is, she is an accomplished ultrarunner: in 2005, she became the youngest woman to complete the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning, (Western States 100, Vermont 100, Wasatch 100, Leadville 100 in the same year) which included a gold medal at the Vermont 100 Mile Endurance Run. She set the women’s record for Hardrock in 2007. She’s won several ultramarathons, including UTMB (twice), Wasatch in 2004, and Ultra Trail Mount Fuji in 2013. 

2. Running related movie
Just like the last item on our wish list, we want to say that there are a lot of movies out there that would be a great gift for a runner, many of which we have talked about before (Spirit of the Marathon, Spirit of the Marathon II, Unbreakable: The Western States 100, McFarland, etc.) But the one on our wish list is The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young. It was just recently released on December 8, 2015. It is a documentary about the Barkley Marathons in Tennessee, a race with ~1% finisher rate-enough said. Watching this movie is the closest we will ever get to Barkley, and we’re okay with that.

3. Petite Running tights (that don’t cost an arm and a leg)
We know this one is very specific to us shorter girls (Elena), but now that winter is here it would be great to go out on a cold run in running tights that actually fit. It’s easy to find running capris to wear, since the length is more forgiving for them than running tights. Running tights/pants are not difficult to find in general but finding them in petite sizes is very difficult and if you do find them, they are quite expensive. Many running pants have zippers on the bottom of the legs which is great but doesn’t allow for easy alterations if you are short.

4. Annual park pass for trail runners
Most of the trails we access for trail running are part of a greater park system. Many of which has parking or day use fees. So an annual park pass is the next item on our wish list. The specific pass will vary depending on where you reside, but at least here in Northern California we have various park passes that can be purchased on an annual basis. This applies to state parks, county parks, parks within a particular region or even a national parks.

5. The Zero Runner
If we’re compiling a wish list we might was well include one really expensive item. The Zero Runner from Octane Fitness. The Zero Runner allows you to replicate your natural running motion without all the impact. There are two separate models to choose from the cheaper ZR7 model starts at $3299.


Embrace Running 183: Runner Wish List

This week, we talk about our running wish list. The Northface 50 race and Western States Lottery was this weekend. Running Times magazine will be no more. New Balance will be the new shoe and apparel sponsor for the New York City Marathon starting in 2017. And our weeks in training.

Big names at RnR San Antonio 
North Face 50 Results 
Running Times is No More 
Olympic Trials Qualifiers at CIM 
Galen Rupp Eyeing Marathon 
The Zero Runner 




Embrace Running 182: Running from the Blerch

This week, we give our race recap of the Beat the Blerch half marathon. Runners in the Bangkok half marathon get more than they bargained for. A cheater is disqualified and banned from the Marine Corps Marathon. There’s a new half marathon series in Oregon. Ragnar Relay is making changes to its Florida Keys race and also announces a new double medal for 2016. And as always, our weeks in training.

Runner Gets Lifetime Ban 
Cheater Responds 
Bangkok Half Course After Wong Turn 
Oregon Half Series 



Embrace Running 181: Ragnar Vegas Ultra Style

This week, Elena gives her recap of running Ragnar Relay Las Vegas on an ultra team. Weather causes shortened courses at RnR Savannah and runDisney Wine and Dine. The Huntsville Marathon guarantees a BQ time or your money back! (Be sure to read the fine print).

Police Sergeant Helps Injured Runner
Heat at RnR Savannah
Huntsville Marathon 
Wine and Dine Shortened 
Ragnar Relay Las Vegas 

Ragnar Las Vegas Highlight Video You can spot Elena at about 1:53 in




Embrace Running 180: Ragnar Napa Mini Recap

This week, we talk about our experience running Ragnar Relay Napa Valley. Runners are delayed at the Marine Corps Marathon. Ragnar Relay Florida Keys may not happen in 2016. Follow REI and “opt outside” on Black Friday. Meb sets a new U.S. masters marathon record.

Delays at Marine Corps Marathon 
New York Marathon Results 



Embrace Running 179: Marathons Worth The Trip

This week, we talk about seven marathons worth the trip. A dramatic finish at the Victoria Marathon. The Santa Barbara Veterans Day Marathon is no more. Deena Kastor broke the US masters marathon record at the Chicago Marathon. Run the LA Marathon in 2016 and a Ragnar Relay road race for a double medal. And our week in race planning.

7 Marathons Worth The Trip 
Dramatic Finish at Victoria Marathon  
Deena Breaks Masters Record



Embrace Running 178: St. George Marathon

This episode, our recap of running the St. George Marathon in Utah.

St. George Marathon



Embrace Running 177: Running Shoe Malfunction

This week, we talk about running faux pas. Registration for the 2016 Boston Marathon is now closed. Masters records were set at Rock ‘n’ Roll San Jose. Eliud Kipchoge wins the Berlin Marathon despite a shoe malfunction. A 105 year old sets a guiness world record and is still disappointed in his performance. And our weeks in training.



Embrace Running 176: Watching Run Free

This week, we talk about the movie Run Free-The True Story of Caballo Blanco. Registration for the 2016 Boston Marathon has opened. This year will be the last year for the marathon distance at RnR Denver. The Shoe Kicker website can help you find the best deal on your running shoes. And our weeks in training.

Photo Credit: Luis Escobar Photographer

Photo Credit: Luis Escobar Photographer

Run Free- The True Story of Caballo Blanco 
RnR Denver Changes the Full 
