
Embrace Running 182: Running from the Blerch

This week, we give our race recap of the Beat the Blerch half marathon. Runners in the Bangkok half marathon get more than they bargained for. A cheater is disqualified and banned from the Marine Corps Marathon. There’s a new half marathon series in Oregon. Ragnar Relay is making changes to its Florida Keys race and also announces a new double medal for 2016. And as always, our weeks in training.

This week, we give our race recap of the Beat the Blerch half marathon. Runners in the Bangkok half marathon get more than they bargained for. A cheater is disqualified and banned from the Marine Corps Marathon. There’s a new half marathon series in Oregon. Ragnar Relay is making changes to its Florida Keys race and also announces a new double medal for 2016. And as always, our weeks in training.

Runner Gets Lifetime Ban 
Cheater Responds 
Bangkok Half Course After Wong Turn 
Oregon Half Series 
