
Embrace Running 065: Santa Cruz Half Marathon

This week, we talk about donating their registration fees for the Marine Corps Marathon. Some good changes for the Disney World Marathon weekend in 2014. How to avoid mid run bathroom breaks. Weight training for runners. Our race recap of the Santa Cruz Half Marathon and our week in training.

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Embrace Running 064: Running Lagoon Valley

This week, we talk about some group runs that we made it to. The Marine Corps Marathon sells out but had registration problems. Two people actually finish the Barkley Marathons. A race in Phoenix has runners demanding a refund. The annual half marathon report continues to show the events growth. We share a race report from Brazens Lagoon Valley races, and our week in training.

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Embrace Running 063: Becoming a Marathon Maniac

This week, we talk about the registration for the Marine Corps Marathon opening soon. runDisney announces a new 10k and the Dopey Challenge at Disney World for 2014. Oakland Marathon and Modesto Marathon took place this weekend. Brooks provides great customer service. How to become a Brooks Wear Tester. Elena is officially a (Marathon) Maniac. Information about running in the triangle. We go on a trail run together and as always our week in training.

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Embrace Running 062: Marathon News

This week, we talk about upcoming registration for the Marine Corps Marathon. We talk about the LA Marathon which we watched on TV. An inspiring story from the Gusher Marathon in Texas. RnR USA apparently had a few issues. The RnR SF course is official. A few tragedies at some international marathons.  A quick recap of our race at Badger Cove and our week in training.

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Embrace Running 061: Way Too Cool 50k Recap

This week, we talk about the Chicago Marathon lottery numbers, the New York Marathon’s upcoming lottery, a full recap of the Way Too Cool 50k, and our week in training.

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Embrace Running 060: Chicago Marathon Plays the Lottery

This week we talk about the Chicago Marathon registration opening back up as a lottery. Alternate marathons to run for those who don’t get into Chicago this year. Mo Farrah’s interesting interview after winning RnR New Orleans half marathon and his classy reaction. RnR will have a new event in Raleigh in 2014. CIM registration opened up March 1st and we are in! Running related iphone apps to help track your progress and keep you motivated. Elena prepares for Way Too Cool 50k  and as always, our week in training.

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Embrace Running 059: Super Happy, Super Excited

This week we talk about what the elites have been up to. Registration for the Chicago Marathon is a disaster. A nine year old is running a marathon on Antarctica. The 5th annual Princess Half Marathon took place this weekend. Registration for CIM 2013 opens soon. Our race recap of the NorCal Half Marathon and as always, our week in training.

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Embrace Running 058: Buzz

This week, we talk about Asics being title sponsor for the LA Marathon. Changes to the RnR San Diego course. The 5th Princess Half Marathon at Walt Disney World is next weekend. Registration opens for the Chicago Marathon. We go over the pros and cons of running twice a day. Our race recap of the Buzz Marathon (and half marathon) and our week in training.

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Embrace Running 057: Lost on the Trail

This week, we talk a little trail running. An update on Lose It and weight loss. We discuss running solo or with a group. We mention a couple new apps, and our week in training.

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Embrace Running 056: Losing It

This week, we talk about weight loss apps and running related Super Bowl ads. Brazen Racing is launching their remote racing option. We talk about why treadmill running can seem boring and tips on treadmill runs. We talk about athlinks as a good resource to keep track of your races. We share information on how to help with IT band pain and our week in training.

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