This week, we talk a little more Ragnar, no Nike Marathon for Elena, Pleasanton Half Marathon and mud runs.
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This week, we talk a little more Ragnar, no Nike Marathon for Elena, Pleasanton Half Marathon and mud runs.
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One reply on “Embrace Running 017: There’s a pebble in my shoe”
I am in the middle of listening to the podcast right now, but had to comment.
I didn't get into the Nike Half either this year, so I feel your pain.
My husband and I ran the 5k race at Big Sur. The weather was perfect for us, however the full marathoners ran into some wicked wind I hear. It is such a well run race, we are planning to go back and do the 9 miler next year. I will take on the full marathon in my lifetime there, however it will be awhile as it is pretty daunting. The half marathon is in the fall and would be a great alternative to the Nike race. My husband and I are headed to Portland to check out their marathon as I intend to run it next year or else we would go to that one. It is too bad we don't have unlimited funds and can go to every race.