
Embrace Running 124: A Divas Race

This week, Elena gives her race recap of the Divas Half Marathon. Galen Rupp breaks the American 10,000 meter record. The Minneapolis Marathon is cancelled due to weather. A 91 year old sets a new age marathon record at RnR San Diego. June 4th is National Running Day. Anybody want a Runbell? RnR race series announces their Running Festivals. And our week in training.



Embrace Running 123: Mountains 2 Beach Marathon

This week, we give our race recap of Mountains2Beach Marathon.  runDisney announces it’s new race. Bolder Boulder was this weekend. A conflict between USATF and Oiselle. San Francisco Marathon will be offering free race pictures this year.

Disney Presents the Star Wars Half Marathon 

USATF Reprimands Oiselle

Mountains 2 Beach Marathon



Embrace Running 122: Back to Back Marathons

This week, we talk about tips on running back to back marathons. Registration changes for the Big Sur Marathon. runDisney has a new challenge that includes a cruise. Elena is excited to try the new GU flavor. And our week in training.

Big Sur Registration Procedures

Castaway Cay Challenge



Embrace Running 121: Happy Pace

This week, Elena gives her race recap of the Mermaid Run East Bay. A report on non-traditional running events. The Transvulcania Ultramarathon was this weekend. The OC Marathon winner is caught cheating-or is he? Dathan Ritzenheim is moving back to Michigan. And our week in training.

Mermaid Series

Non-Traditional Running Events Report

Transvulcania Results

OC Marathon Winner Disqualified

Ritzenhein Moves



Embrace Running 120: Wings For Life World Run

This week, we talk about our experience at the unique Wings for Life World Run in Southern California. Seven things runners do on long runs but probably don’t admit. Roger Bannister ran the first sub 4 minute mile sixty years ago today. A three time Chicago Marathon champ is banned for doping. And our week in training.

Wings For Life World Run

Wings For Life Coverage

Kara Goucher Signs with Skechers

7 Things Runners Do On Long Runs

Chicago Marathon Champ Banned for Doping



Embrace Running 119: Big Sur Marathon

This week, we give our race recap of the Big Sur International Marathon. Updates from Boston Marathon bandits. Nike Women’s San Francisco eliminates their full marathon this year. Ragnar Trail Zion is called early due to a snowstorm. And a runner finishes third at the Canadian Half Marathon Championships despite a fracture.

Big Sur Marathon

Boston Bandits

Fake Bib at Boston

Runner Finishes with Broken Leg



Embrace Running 118: Boston Marathon Inspires

This week we talk about the Boston Marathon, including the end to the American drought and several inspiring stories. Nike’s sponsorship of the USATF. Kara Goucher signs with Nuun Hydration. The winner of the Marine Corps 17.75k was disqualified. Ragnar Trail Vail Lake has a new date. Getting ready for the Big Sur Marathon, and our week in training.

Boston Marathon Results

Free Hugs at the Boston Marathon

Runners Carry Competitor Toward Finish

Injured Newlyweds Do Hand Cycle Race

Nike Sponsorship of USA Track & Field

Kara Goucher Signs with Nuun

26.2 Marathon Medals

The Untold Story

Marine Corps 17.75k winner DQ’d



Embrace Running 117: Sprint Finish at London Marathon

This week, we talk about the London Marathon including Mo Farah’s marathon debut. We go over the Running USA Annual Half Marathon and Marathon reports. Lake Sonoma 50 was this weekend. A quick update on the cancellation of the Sheffield Half Marathon. Pam Smith and Zach Bitter are victorious at the USA 100k National Championships. Unfortunate race related deaths this weekend at multiple races. And our week in training.

London Marathon Results

Edna Kipligat Wins in London

Running USA Annual Marathon Report

Running USA Annual Half-Marathon Report

Lake Sonoma 50 Results

London Marathon Runner Collapses at Finish

Deaths Mar RnR Raleigh

Embrace Running on Instagram



Embrace Running 116: Racing the Golden Gate

This week, we give our race recap of the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Francisco Half Marathon. Paris Marathon was this weekend and Kenenisa Bekele set a new course record. The Sheffield Half Marathon was cancelled. Lake Sonoma 50 is this coming weekend. Mark finally tries Salted Caramel GU, and our week in training.



Embrace Running 115: Tutu’s and Selfie’s

This week, we talk about the tutu seen around the world (or at least the nation). Running selfies gone wrong. A new American record was set at the Carlsbad 5000. Barkley Marathons was this weekend and there is now a second two time finisher. Some interesting gel flavors from VFuel…bacon anyone? And our week in training.

Lagat Sets U.S. Record at Carlsbad

Self Magazine Apologizes

Glam Runner

VFuel 30 Day Trial

Remy’s World Selfies

The 415k

Barkley Marathons Movie

Missing Runner Found
