
Embrace Running 121: Happy Pace

This week, Elena gives her race recap of the Mermaid Run East Bay. A report on non-traditional running events. The Transvulcania Ultramarathon was this weekend. The OC Marathon winner is caught cheating-or is he? Dathan Ritzenheim is moving back to Michigan. And our week in training.

This week, Elena gives her race recap of the Mermaid Run East Bay. A report on non-traditional running events. The Transvulcania Ultramarathon was this weekend. The OC Marathon winner is caught cheating-or is he? Dathan Ritzenheim is moving back to Michigan. And our week in training.

Mermaid Series

Non-Traditional Running Events Report

Transvulcania Results

OC Marathon Winner Disqualified

Ritzenhein Moves
